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STUPID GAME!!! i think i'm screwed


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OK, The part where you get the bronze hat, with the parrots. I Found the rock with the hat under it! I have the puppets, I take them out, and stupid guybrush says, "I better put these away before (whats his name) gets angry" or some crap like that. This is pathetic I have no idea what to do now.

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You may make the mistake that alot of people make.


When the parrots say 'north'. Then go north. But it doesn't stop there. Call the parrots again, and ask them again. You will automatically know when you find the right rock, because the parrots will fly away and the camera angle will change.

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I'm pretty sure I've got the right rock because both of the parrots say that, thats the rock under which the hat is buried. But the camera angle hasn't changed, and they never flew away. umm i don't get it.

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I'm pretty sure I've got the right rock because both of the parrots say that, thats the rock under which the hat is buried. But the camera angle hasn't changed, and they never flew away. umm i don't get it.

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I'm having the same problem with the boulder and the puppets. I've tried approaching the boulder from several angles, but nothing works. And I know I have the right parrot, because I dosed one with groggoccino, and one of them gives me a different answer each time I ask it a question.


This is really frustrating!



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OK! I figured it out... You have to go back to lafeet's son guy(the one who had the parrots), but remember which rock it is! And then talk to him about his parrots. That way Guybrush will know about the truth teller and liar, and when u go back to the rock, it will all work.

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I had already talked to Jumbeaux about the parrots, and when I went back to him, that wasn't one of the talking options anymore.


I went back to the boulder, but still couldn't use the puppets.


I have the puppets, I have the parrot call, I used the groggoccino to find the truth-telling parrot, I have the right boulder, I know that Castaneda will fire the cannon at three pirates, I've talked to the tourist about the hat, I have Jumbeaux's permission to use it if I find it, and he has told me that he hid it under a boulder.


Is there something I'm missing?

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Are you SURE you have the right rock.


Like, did you ask one of the parrots the question. 'Is Tiny's hat under this rock?'?


Did the parrots lose interest and did they fly away?


Did the camera angle change?


If not, you haven't got the right rock. Call the parrots again, ask where, go in that direction, call the parrots again, ask, go in that direction, once there, ask again, and so forth.

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I know that I have the right rock because the truth-telling parrot says that I don't need to go anywhere, and that the hat is under that rock.


The parrots don't fly away, and the camera angle doesn't change. I guess I can try believing the other parrot, but that's the one that says I need to go somewhere to find the hat, and then says that the hat is under whichever rock it is sitting on. That sounds like the lying parrot, to me.

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Only one of them needs to be drunk/hyper.


Anyway, that wasn't the problem at all. Apparently it is important to ask all the questions so Guybrush actually says, "This one is the <whichever parrot>".


I had figured out which was which based on their responses to questions about the location of the hat, not based on their responses to, "Who is your daddy?"


So the important thing is to ask *all* the stupid-seeming questions of the parrots after you dose one with either the grog or the groggoccino.


Anyway, on to Act III!

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Well, I don't know what u did, but i did it by going back to that guy, and i had an option, "Didn't you have two parrots on your shoulders?" And that way guybrush knew about the truth teller and liar, and thats how i did that crap.

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Originally posted by hezusmonkey:

You have ask the parrot who you gave the grog or coffee: "what´s 2+2?" and Gyubrush will know is it the truth-telling or lying parrot. Ask the truth-telling parrot for directions until you find the right rock. When the parrots are sitting on the right rock ask them: "Is Tiny´s hat buried under this rock?" Then the parrots will fly away and the camera-angle changes. Now you can use the puppets. Do I make myself clear?


Tips and hints!






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