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[Kotor][XP] HK-47 Bullet-hole Skin! How to add skin to appearance.2da?


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I found some very cool looking reskin files by "svösh" for HK-47 (high-def with gunshot holes!! :))


unfortunately its for TSL :(((


is there any way I can still add it to K1???


I have tremendous difficulty with this forum, often i cant even log on (no idea why), and the search function is no help at all! so if there is a thread that already answered this, please point me at it.


I have these files:






1) How do I add them to the appearance.2da?


2) Can I add them even if HK already joined my party?



PS: in a different K1 mod HK got a really cool rifle that actually looked like a silver Kalashnikov HK-47!!! I would like to add that too (had much more punch, actually made HK competitive), however I dont know how i got it. any ideas? (Canderous also got a new gun, a HUGE high def rifle... must have been the same mod...)

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You shouldn't need to change anything other than








Im no skinner so I don't no if the capitals matter.


If HK is already in your party it won't matter because when you put files in the overide it means that the game will load your version of the file rather than the original.


So in your case that means that when a module loads a HK is in your party instead of putting the original game skin on his model it will put the skin that is in the overide folder on his model.


Hope this works


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