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Populate Function


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Discussion Thread - http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=207029

Populate Function




Available from same download link


This Populate function allows you to get four co-ordinates and randomly spawn any number of NPCs. It was designed to ease the process of creating modules. All information is included in the README.


This saves you having to create individual entries in the .git file. I think this should save a lot of time in Total Conversion Mods as people do not have to spend a lot of time populating areas. A few versions of this function spawning different NPCs and its done.


The screenshots are from SOTE posted with permission from HarIII


Thank you to everyone that helped but especially:



Darth Insidious

Varsity Puppet


Installation and Use


You need to place the "populate.nss" script in your K2 Override. (This will probably work with K1 but I cannot confirm that). To use the function add the line

#include "populate"

at the beginning of your script.


Then you will need to lay an imaginary square over the area where you want to spawn in. Then find the co-ordinates of the four corners using D3's Whereami armband. Write down what you get and work out the smallest X value and the largest X Value and then do the same with the Y Co-ordinates. Then include this in the main function of your script.


Populate(Amount, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, Tag);


Amount = The number of NPCs of the specified tag to spawn.

xMin = The smallest X value

xMax = The largest X Value

yMin = The smallest Y Value

yMax = The largest Y Value

Tag = The tag of the NPC you want to spawn.






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Download Link - http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/45-populate-function/

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