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Jedi Watchman/Sith Assassin bonuses


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So, I feel the game is not nearly generous enough to either of our stealth-based prestige classes. They haven't any specific special abilities to speak of, especially since yes, you may use the Sneak Attack feat, but after you've used it, you've blown your whole load, especially in a large group of enemies. I would like to see some additional feats or powers granted to these two classes that have not been in the game prior. I've been thinking of a few interesting ones. I'd like to brainstorm a bit here with the rest of you, but here's what I have so far:


Trick Shooting - This one is designed to ramp up the use of blasters for a character such as this. I've got several ideas for it, all of which, one of which, or none of which may be used. The general idea here is gun play.


First: an advancement of the Precise Shot feat which would further reduce the deflection of blasters by shields, lightsabers, or any other means.


2. A richochet effect that would cause acceleration of the bolt and thereby do more damage, perhaps traveling from NPC to NPC. Don't know if that one's possible.


3. A bleeding effect, equivalent to poison, to be added on to the bolt.


4. A dead-eye like function that allows you to shoot in rapid-shot like fashion at several enemies at once. That one may not be possible either, due to the targeting system of the game.


5. A shot that disables enemy shielding.


6. More precise targeting on critical points on the body thereby increasing damage and criticals with the blaster.


7. A "disarm" shot. Makes the enemy drop the weapon they're holding into their inventory.


(this isn't a feat, but how about a "BlunderBlaster", the Star Wars Universe equivalent to a shotgun?)


That's my bid for the blasters. now on to some of the other matters.


Stealth. Well, isn't it annoying when you're all stealthed out and you go to use that console in the room with all the bleedin' enemies in it. Let's get on fixing that. No more decloaking when you use things.


Here's an interesting one, a feat for throwing concussion grenades from stealth, without decloaking, that also raises the save roll the NPC's must perform to block it.


Now, some ideas for force powers.


Dust cloud. Basically, an PBAOE effect for blinding enemies. This effect essentially lowers their dexterity, making it easier for you to hit them, and not the other way around. Well, Axx, if it's a dust cloud, wouldn't that make it difficult for you to see as well? Hmmm, I suppose you're right. Well, let's just say that I have a special force bubble around my face to protect me. so myeh. Explained away through the plot. That's how we do it.


Well. It seems I'm at a loss for any more ideas, but I'd like to hear more. I suppose you could say what I'm going for here is a shock-and-awe motif. Ideas of this nature I would say are good, as long as they aren't overpowered, or too straight-forward combat oriented. We're talking about building a ninja here, surely there are some more interesting things we can find?

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