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Recruitment troubles


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It's been a while since I did a custom recruitment, so bear with me. I'm using three scripts in one .dlg file (one that removes Canderous from the party/party screen, one to recruit the NPC and one to "eliminate twins"). As far as I know, only the eliminate twins works. The NPC disappears, the party selection pops up but Canderous is blacked out and wont let me choose to recruit my NPC.


Scripts I'm using:


Removing Canderous:


void main()





Recruit the NPC:


void main()


AddAvailableNPCByTemplate(7, "recruit_belcamer");






Eliminate twins:


void main()



object oGoodbye;

oGoodbye = GetObjectByTag("Cand");

SetGlobalFadeOut(1.0, 0.5);

DelayCommand(1.0, DestroyObject(oGoodbye));





Any help would be great.



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It's been a while since I did a custom recruitment, so bear with me. I'm using three scripts in one .dlg file (one that removes Canderous from the party/party screen, one to recruit the NPC and one to "eliminate twins"). As far as I know, only the eliminate twins works. The NPC disappears, the party selection pops up but Canderous is blacked out and wont let me choose to recruit my NPC.


Any help would be great.




The problem with the scripts is that you told the game to remove Canderous from the party; But, then, you told it to replace T3 with your custom NPC. :) So, all you should need to do is replace 7 in the second script with 1. Hope that helps.

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Thanks, I tried that. But unfortunately for me, it doesn't work. It still goes to the screen and everyone is black. Any other ideas mate?


:EDIT: I don't know what I did differently, but I got it to work. Thanks for your help mate, really appreciate it.

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