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Pirates vs Ninjas /PvP(Hardcore)/PvE


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ACTIVITIES: PvP with light focus on PvE


AGE GROUP: 20+ can go lower depending on how mature we think you are



PvN is a 5 year old guild that originated on World of Warcraft. We emphasize on serious PvP game play. This is our focus and this is what we are about. Our members work on every aspect of their characters and look for different strategies/methods to improve their effectiveness in combat. Our PvP leaders have years of experience devising strategies for various pvp battlegrounds, assigning roles, and giving orders to members to effectively win.


Aside from being serious, Pirates vs Ninjas is a brotherhood of people who respect each other and enjoy each others company. We are social and talkative. We strongly encourage Ventrilo chat to build community. It should be an honor to be in our guild. There is no trolling, harassing, or belittling of anyone.


Skill level is not a requirement to get into PvN, but attitude is. With the right attitude and a desire to learn, a person can grow in skill as long as they are openly looking for help and are willing to ask questions and practice. We are not an elitist guild. Anyone with a desire to PvP and become good at it may join.


Our targeted age level would be 20+, but this can be flexible depending on your maturity level. Guild/vent chat may involve mature topics and language at times.



PvN Youtube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fcnxzuZnVI


Check us out and apply here: http://www.swtor.com/guilds/69804/pirates-vs-ninjas

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