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(England) Stargazers New Guild Recruiting


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::::::::::::Stargazer's Guild Recruiting:::::::::::::






We are a guild dedicated to the republic side of Star Wars and we're here too collect equip, grind and be a force to be reckoned with against our enemies.


Both leaders Cyan and myself would like to recruit some nice friendly people who would like to wreck havoc to our foes and not within. We are both from England but we're happy for

guildies from other countries to apply. Check the forum for further details on our Guild rules. We will also stress that we will be an Alliance guild. Maybe in future we will expand and make an Imperial side of StarGazers. But for now Alliance is the way for us.


If this sounds like your cup of tea please apply now !


Spread the word about the Stargazers and hope to see you in game!

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