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I'm pissed now...


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Pardon my language, but Osama bin Laden is full of ****... His latest statement says that we will be punished for our "slaughter of muslims"


Did it ever occur to that son of a ***** that its more than a little hypocrytical to say that considering he killed 7000 or so in the WTC.. I'd say some of were muslims..


Sorry had to get this off my chest...

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I hear you, man.

Bin Laden is a piece of cr@p, no question about it.

he can go to hell.

and he probably will very soon.

:usa::mob::slsaber: :slsaber: :slsaber:

he will not win.

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Guest Admiral Odin

well, of course he says that. We are infidels and don't count. He is next to god.


Now if he wants muslims to follow his lead why doesn't he go on a suicide run and kill himself?

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Guest Admiral Odin

Yes he is. Taliban says Bin Laden is innocent. Bin Laden sends a movie says I'm guilty. So the world knows the US isn't making it up. Now why is that smart?





It was a comment saying he is a hypocrite. He tells others to follow his example, but he doesn't kill himself. Yet he tells others to do it.

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Guest Rogue15

overkill, overkill OVERKILL!!!!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!



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Guest DarkTrooper

sorry i have to get this of my chest 1......2........3........ AHHHHH ****ing Bin Laden i want to shove a nuke so far up ur ass it comes out ur mouth i am pissed






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Guest Rogue15

nothing to be sorry about that. the thing that sickens me is that thing about civilians, why can't fricken people get it through their thick skulls that those peoples are better off dead, i mean, looks at the condition they're living in, the woman can't go to college and are forced to wear those veils over their faces, the guys can't shave their beards (i think that's a good thing, but most guys like shaving just to get a girl or something) they're living in a dump. I heard that they call pigs unclean, so why don't we bomb them with pig guts, that'd drive those fricken terrorists out of their hell holes.

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so why don't we bomb them with pig guts, that'd drive those fricken terrorists out of their hell holes.


There is another way! No more civilians will have to die! You've helped NATO see the better way! Halleluja ;)! Alert the neighbour countries that they'll have to arrest a large number of pig-smelling refugees from Afghanistan!

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Guest Mad_Dog

i read 2 E-Mail's that had to do with this subject.


1st was a canadian news article that said that when ever there was a crisis in other countries USA was one of the first to help. then when ever we were in trouble (say erathquake, big fire, what have you) no countries lifted a finger for aid.


2nd was a joke i got here it is


dang i cant find it but i will reiterate it as best as possible


ok the year is 2032 and the setting is in New York City


this guy and his son walk up to an empty lot. the guy pauses and takes a deep breath.


he says to his son "You know billy about 31 years ago the Twin towers stood here."


his son says "Daddy, what are the Twin Towers?"


the guy says "The Twin Towers were 2 Huge buildings where there were many offices and lots of people worked and that arabs knocked down 31 years ago."


his son says "Daddy, what are arabs?"




i guess arabs don't exist anymore then. ;)

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