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i dont get the monkey combat thing


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Basically there are five different stances in Monkey Combat. I cannot quite remember all the names, you can ask JoJo for that, but basically I have a list containing:

DM - Drunken Monkey

BB - Bobbing Baboon

CC - Charging Chimp

GG - Sorry forget this one

AA - Anxious Ape


Now two of these moves bet one other move. So, for example (and this probably will not work in the game, I'm still working that out), DM might beat BB and CC. This of course means that DM can be beaten by GG and AA. Once again this example does not work. You will have to figure these out by seeing what stances the monkeys beat you with.


To change between stances, you have to select the right combination of three 'ancient monkey syllables'. Something like Ach, Ech, Chee, Och or something like that... Once again I just use the abbriviations A, E, C, O. So, to change from DM to BB, you press Och, Ach, Chee. Pressing three of the same will keep you in the same stance as you are already in.


Once you have it all worked out, just change to a stance that beats your opponent, and bask in your victory.



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