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Help Running old Lucasarts Talkies on a modern PC...

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I appreciate that most folks here are "kids" but if anyone has any idea how to run the sound (or even just the games!) for Fate of Atlantis/DOTT/Sam and Max and any other pre-Full Throttle adventures on a Windows-oriented (ie/ no DOS drivers) system, I'd LOVE to hear from you!! Bootmaker doesn't work and all of the aforementioned titles crash before loading. Anyone who bought the Lucasarts Anthology vol. I may also have some ideas here, since all these games came with that...


I wish I had my old PC!!!!

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Sam & Max, DOTT, and FoA all work fine for me, making it seems to be more specific to your computer/games. So your idea about the Anthology vol. I may be correct if you think it's a problem specific to it.


Sorry frown.gif.


Oh yes, and there's a board for tech problems, and I think questions like this would probably be better answered there, just for future knowledge smile.gif.


[This message has been edited by Ydon (edited May 28, 2000).]

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Where did I act sarcasticly or gloat? I was just letting you know taht this was not a conflict between Windows and the old LEC DOS games, which is what you seemed to think was happening, and suggesting that maybe it was problem with the Volume 1. games, and that your answer might lie within trying to find if there was anything different between them and the normal releases.


Anyway, have you tried Yoda's Help Desk yet? It can often help with problems like this.


[This message has been edited by Ydon (edited May 29, 2000).]

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Wooh, OK! I think I'm just deeply paranoid and frustrated due to the problems I'm having with these damned DOS conflicts!!!


I kind of had the games working with my old (ie/ 1998) motherboard, but since I rebuilt my PC and installed Win98 as the primary OS the DOS drivers, config.sys and autoexec.bat files aren't complete enough for Bootmaker to work with or me to work out. frown.gif


Yoda's help desk... Sounds like a plan! Thanx.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest El Pollo Diablo

I had problems with all of the "classic" games.


4 any one with a sblive! soundcard


have yo tried going to system, device manager, soud and stuff sblaster live, synth options and degrade the sblive to 64 and then run config sound and then run da game


[This message has been edited by El Pollo Diablo (edited July 12, 2000).]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok guys what you need to do is make a boot disk for these games. I believe that Sam&Max of DOOT have boot disk creators built in to the installation menus. If not what you need to do is create one yourself and customize it to fit exactly what constraints you have/want. Going back to DOS days of memory constraints, these games require X amount of base memory (total of 640k). Usually you can get away with about 590k available (check using the "mem" command in DOS. What eats up base memory? Mouse drivers, sound drivers, CD-ROM drivers. So if you need more base memory, try installing the entore game to your hard drive and then eliminating your CD-ROM driver from your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS on your boot disk. I will talk about making a boot disk in my next post.



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Get a floppy diskette and put it in the drive. Lets consider the drive A:. At the DOS prompt type the follwing:


format A: /s


Now you have a bootable disk. What you need now is your mouse, sound, and cdrom drivers loaded at startup. Start by creating a config.sys. Type:


edit a:\config.sys


In the config.sys should include:




DEVICEHIGH= (your cdrom driver)


What you need to do is copy the lines out of your c:\config.sys and paste them into the a:\config.sys. Also copy the c:\autoexec.bat to your a:\. Make sure you have your mouse drivers loaded, your cdrom drivers loaded. you may need sound card drivers, you may not.


This disk should be able to boot you to DOS and get you into your games. Any conflicts with sound not working or such is now completely dependant on your boot disk and you can fudge with the lines until the games work.


Anyone who has gotten this far but needs more memory, look at the next post for memory increasing solutions.




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There are two keys to increasing memory. First is to use the LH command before the commands in your autoexec.bat. i.e. your mscdex.exe line:


LH C:\whateverthedirectoryis\mscdex.exe


Also change your DEVICE commands in your config.sys to read DEVICEHIGH, the himem.sys cannot be placed in devicehigh but the rest can.


2ND: the emm386.exe line can be tweaked to all hell to give you the most memory where you want it. For instance


Games that need a lot of base memory:



Games that need a lot of extended memory:



Games that need some of each:



Games that require NO EMS:



try messing around with the values and combine some of the command switches and see what you can get. Anyone who still has problems, please email me at Curse@umit.maine.edu.


Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

please don't get me wrong!

i bought the game!

and then my cute little nephew borrowed it and after half a year i wanted it back and i kept asking him, but he said he lost it...well he didn't lost it :HE ACCIDENTLY STOOD ON IT WITH HIS COMBAT BOOTS AND IT'S COMPLETELY CRUSHED...and where can i find another copie...right!:from the internet, so please don't call me a thief, because i paid for my copie!



"mwahahaha" - Murray

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