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I would like to use Lightning, Storm, Whirlwind and Wave at any time.

Warrior Master

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Hi there! I´ve read in http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Revan something about Revan´s Force abilities, and you can read: "Revan could use the Force to create a whirlwind of Force energy to overwhelm his opponents" (the previous power of the "Force Wave") and "Revan was proficient in the application of Force lightning and Force Storm". But, in the KotOR, we can only use "Force Lightning" or "Force Storm", and "Force Whirlwind" or "Force Wave", depending on which power we select when we get a new level.


So, what if we could use the four powers whenever we wanted? I mean I would like to know what I have to do (what file I have to edit with the KotOR Tool and how), so the PC can use both "Force Lightning" and "Force Storm" anytime I wanted. I mean if you want to get the "Force Storm" power then you have to select "Force Shock", and later "Force Lightning/Ray", and then you can select "Force Storm". But, what if we could have both of them and use them whenever we wanted? And the same with the "Force Whirlwind" and the "Force Wave". And for both KotOR 1 and 2.


I ask it also because I´ve seen a couple of mods quite interesting in kotor.filefront.com: "Chained Force Lightning" and "Enhanced Force Lightning colour K1 (1.0)"; they´re old, but interesting, and just for the "Force Lightning", so I would like to have the option of using an improved "Force Lightning" power and also the "Force Storm" power. And also both "Force Whirlwind" and "Force Wave".


I don´t know if it´s possible to do it, and I have no idea what to edit and how, so I need a little help.

Or if any of you are interested in doing a mod of this... :xp: In fact, I think to remember there´s a mod (or there was) that makes something like this, it gives us the option of selecting any level of any of the powers our character already has (or something like this, maybe I´m wrong), but I saw it a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... ;P I´ve been looking for it in kotor.filefront.com and in "Taris Upper City Emp.", but I haven´t found it, maybe I haven´t searched well enough.

But, in any case, I´m just interested in having the four powers told before: "Force Lightning", "Force Storm", "Force Whirlwind" and "Force Wave", for Kotor 1 and 2.



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hey i just wanted to say that i for one have wanted a mod like this for a really long long time and would definitly be very intrested.


Also i've seen and have in my overide folder mods that add force powers (like one mod i have even does force pull) so maybe you could make them as seprete powers like for instance make force push upgrade to like a push 2 and then to upgrade to wave.


And have whirlwind be its own seperate power so you would get wirlwind then 2 people would get caught in wirlwind then all or something like that for the upgrades you could even do a similer thing with the lightning powers.

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Yes, they´re some marvellous ways of making new friends :p .

Nah, I´m a Jedi, in my case it would the "Electric Judgment", also known as "Emerald Lightning", so it would be great that this "Jedi" version was in yellow or green instead of blue or white :D , but this last is less important, it would be amazing to have the 4 powers with some little more properties.

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