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Skipping speech, particularly on Knuttin Atoll?


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Anyone else have the problem that characters would just not say their speeches? It hasn't happened before, but when I got to Knuttin Atoll, things became very confusing - large tracts of people's dialogue were just skipped, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened. It happened when I was talking to the guy with 2 parrots, and then again with Miss Rivers' school - very confusing.


Anyone else had this, and more importantly, anyone know what's causing it/how to stop it?

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I experienced the same thing, except it happened near the end of the game.


As far as I can tell, the bug occurs when you do things "out of sequence" of what the programmers expected you to do.


I restarted the game from an earlier save, changed the sequence of things I did, and was able to get the missing dialogue.


Now leaving spoilers space so I can describe how I got the problem...



































Near the end of the game, I had obtained the accordian from the musically inclined monkey. And instead of going back to HT to get more info from him, I went on to Monkey Kombat, and defeated Jojo Jr. Then I went back to the shack to talk to HT.


From this point on to the end of the game, 30-40% of the things that HT says become missing (not counting things in the cutscenes). I first noticed this when it seemed like HT didn't say anything, and Guybrush says "Actually, he's the new governor of Melee Island," referring to LeChuck.


After I finished the game this way, I decided to go back to an earlier save, and talk to HT before I fight Jojo. Lo and behold, all the missing dialogues are now back.


I tried it again with the "wrong" sequence, and the same parts became missing again.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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