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Problem With Kotor Tool


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Hello everybody!


I don't have internet at home and I'm using the computer at the library to type this. There's a very important reason I'm telling you all this:


I installed kotor tool but whenever I go to launch it, it's telling me I need the Microsoft.net framework. Now, normally I'd be able to just go on the internet and install it, but here's the catch - I have no internet. I know Kotor tool requires the Microsoft.net framework to work, but is there a way I can just download a file or something from the library on a flash drive and bring it home???


P.S. Links would be very helpful (and it must be free).

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Don't know if you can download things off the library computer (you might have to check w/their staff to find out), but the file you're looking for will easily fit on a thumb drive and doesn't cost anything (at least it didn't when I got it a few years back), or so it would seem from:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=19

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