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too many graphic bugs 4 play


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ok guys this is a realy suck problem i got

if im starting the game in OPENGL mode the game goes very very very very very slow

and if im trying to play in D3D mode there are alot of bugs like the ships are flashing in the shipyard on melee island or i cant see guybrush at the swamp on the 2nd island

and it kind of suck

got a solution

contact me fast

ICQ 47409081






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Hi people


I had the same problem with speed once I enabled OPENGL. The speed was so slow I was tempted to throw the game in the rubbish bin. I emailed Lucas Arts and got a comprehensive troubleshooting guide and and offer to replace my opened game with a sealed one so that I could get my money back.


This was a nice touch but having enjoyed all the previous Monkey Islands I was not going to give up.


My graphics card was a Diamond Stealth 4000 3D with 4 Megs of RAM. THIS WAS TOTALLY INADEQUATE.


I upgraded to a Graphics Card ($NZ230) with 32MB of onboard RAM and everything runs sweetly.


Like you I tried driver updates but I think the problem lies with the fact that modern games require up to date cards.


Hope you get it sorted, its a terrific game once it becomes playable. OH! the sacricices we make in the name ADVENTURE.




nevillek (twiggy_n@yahoo.com)

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