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Graphic Bugs


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I have theese bugs, some lines, dots and stuff , and i think this game won't run with my 3d card, the Demo was fine, the intro was clean, but the real game, the intro is darker, and has all these transparent lines, what was the word, Interfased, Interlansed, i forgot, PLS help me for crying out loud, ok, nice chatting and all, PLEASE ANSWERE, BYE

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We are having the EXACT same problem described below by Razer. This is bogus and I think that Lucas Arts ought to step up to the plate here and address this. Granted, they could not test ALL cards/drivers, but apparently, they did not test enough. I have the latest drivers for my onboard 3d video card, SIS630 chipset, but still, I have the 'lines'. Any ideas from anyone will be greatly appreciated.



Originally posted by Razer:

I have theese bugs, some lines, dots and stuff , and i think this game won't run with my 3d card, the Demo was fine, the intro was clean, but the real game, the intro is darker, and has all these transparent lines, what was the word, Interfased, Interlansed, i forgot, PLS help me for crying out loud, ok, nice chatting and all, PLEASE ANSWERE, BYE




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