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Have you all tried...?


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From what I've read, it seems more people are having problems with DirectX 8 than with DirectX 7; I have DirectX 7.0a, and have only encountered a few minor bugs, which I easily go around...



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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Well, that's the thing about PCs... Everyone's system specs are different, so what works perfectly on one system might not work quite right on another. I have to deal with something similar for my job, but on a much smaller scale.


I'm also running Windows ME, though it's been buggy form some other stuff. But I think the best thing to do for those who encounter bugs is to download any available patches from LucasArts' web site, and barring that, contact their Tech Support.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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If your not using Internet Explorer, open it up now.


See if you have a "Tools" menu at the top. If so, click on that to see if you have a "Windows Update" option. If so, click on it.


If not, go to this site: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/ (using Internet Explorer)


If you see a page that has a link for "Product Updates," click on it, and wait for the page to finish loading.


When the page is done loading, scroll down a bit, and you'll see that one of the checkboxes has the option of installing DirectX 8....




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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Originally posted by LadyDi:

I can't get directx8 to install. Went to microsoft update page and downloaded but during the install process it "fails" before completely installing. Do you know how I solve that?


Most likely your download was corrupted somehow, or Microsoft's download server was down... Try updating again...


Or try downloading it here.




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.


[This message has been edited by brief (edited January 02, 2001).]

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