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Invisible rubber chicken with pulley in middle + Cant talk to harbour mistress

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I have returned to Melee Island just having escaped from Lucre - and have an invisible rubber chicken with pulley in middle in my inventory. (ie it stops at the aforementioned item with the text above saying what it is - but there is no picture.) When i examine it - the text description of it appears on screen but with no voice.

Also another serious problem is the harbour mistress. When I try speaking to her inside the shack, Guybrush turns to where she stood previously outside the first time on Melee. There is no way to start a conversation which is very frustrating. Any ideas/help would be much appreciated on how i can sort these things out...

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Yeah, I heard a few others say that they had the invisible rubber chicken problem, as well.. Have you tried the patch yet?


As for the Harbor Mistress... I don't think you need to talk to her beyond Act I, so it's not really a major problem. You do miss out on a bit of funny dialogue, though.


Anyway, try getting the latest drivers for all your hardware, and installing the patch for EMI, and see if the problem still persists.




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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