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Not nessaccarily a request lol

Darth Reptinus

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Ok guys I have been trying to no avail to create a new lightsabre and new crystals, I am sure I will be pointed tword a 1000 other premade and functioning lightsaber mods, but I would prefer to make my own in order to share this content with the community. I am new to modding KOTOR but have great experience modding other titles prior to this. I can create textures and mesh in minutes typically, and I have zero problems sharing whatever these with anyone that has more skills in scripting and making the items they were made for function in the game correctly. What I need to know is when I create the item (A lightsabre in this case) Does it vanish from my inventory once I attempt to upgrade it. 2: I can create custom crystals and gui textures for them in under 3 minutes a pop, BUT when they are in world they do not produce the correct color of beam, what did I do wrong, and last once I have these new items (Armor/robes, Lightsaber, mask, gauntlets and possibly a huristic skill implant working) HOW THE HECK do I put them in world or add a quest for these specific items? I want to make both a light side and dark side set as well... just need some guidance, please feel free to contact me here or via skype

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