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Tnx! I've alredy got the patch, and I've alredy try changing from openGL mode to D3D and vice versa, but the game will not start...


When I start Monkey I see the introduction, then the game start: I hear sunds, but I see black

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I try:

- directX, 16 bit: Monkey don't start

- directX, 32 bit: Monkey don't start


-openGt, 16 bit: Start the introduction then I see black

-openGt, 32 bit: Start the introduction then I see black


What I also can do?

(sorry my english I'm italian)


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Guest grannen

What I mean is your settings for your display. You change it in the Control Panel in My Computer.


Then in EMI "Configuration Options" try "Force 16 bit Color" and "Enable Direct3D."





Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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dont start MI4 from the little setup menu, execute it directly from the the monkey.exe (i think, just use which ever one does NOT give u the menue berofe the game starts)


that helped me get by the OpenGL prob.




STILL the resident punk rocker!

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Yes, I change it in the Control Panel in My Computer, and then in EMI "Configuration Options". But the monitor is black when the game begin.


I also execute it directly from the the monkey.exe but the monitor is black

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Now I have set monitor with an area of the screen of 640x480, 16 bit. I have set up the game to 16 bit, openGL (With directX not there is way to start the game).


Now the game start!! But it goes with an exasperating slowness, to say that it goes in jerks is little!!!! It is impossible for me to play in this way, unfortunately...


I have already installed pach the MonkeyUpdate_ITA.exe but it is not changed.

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Guest grannen

Change the display to 800x600 and try "Enable Direct3D."

Also check that you have the latest driver for you graphic card.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen



[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited March 17, 2001).]

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I have changed the display to 800x600 and I have try Enable Direct3D: the game dont' start. It closes itself, I don't see even the introduction. frown.gif


I look for the latest driver for creative voodoo 2 (with win2000)

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