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Jambalaya Island


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I am having problems on Jambalaya Island. Everytime I make it to Knuttin Atoll the game freezes with me on the beach. Same thing happens when I go to the diving competition. Has anybody else had this problem. I can't get any farther and I'm getting real tired of watching scandisk everytime I have to hard boot my system. I donwloaded and installed the patch before I even started the game so I don't think that's it, unless there's more than one patch. Thanks for any help!




[This message has been edited by LittleBit (edited April 03, 2001).]

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Check your DirectX settings, and make sure everything's "certified." Also, see if you have the latest version of DirectX (if memory serves, the latest version should be 8.0). Check to see if there are any updated drivers for your computer's hardware.




As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.

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