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Got stuck in the swamp!


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Hi everyone,

I just need some help to find a way out of the swamp!

I got the direction paper and the clock.

The clock showed 1:50 and I had 1:50 E on my direction paper.

So, I went along E dirction until I saw the gate.

But there was nobody there to give me anything.

So, I went along E direction again.

This time, I was at the other side of the gate.

Still..nobody was there.

I kept going and going.

I am lost in the swamp!!!!!

pls. help!


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Whenever you see shore-line at the bottom of the screen...head for it...the game re-displays the swamp-entry screen every 4 or 5 screens no matter WHICH direction you go.


As to following the directions...make sure YOU got them...and didn't read some other gamer's notes...because this is a randomized puzzle...and each game has a different set of directions. If you follow the directions...you will find Peg-nose's house


Also: watch out for pesky twigs on the edges of the screen...once I got tossed north at the last minute by a twig on the left side of the screen, while trying to head west...I had to start over...You could ALWAYS go back to a saved game...this puzzle doesn't take very long.



Happy Pirating...



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