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Banner Contest Information

Guest ZeroXcape

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Guest ZeroXcape

*** The contest will end on Sunday, May 28th, 2000 ***


EMI.com will now be accepting banner submissions to be judged by the EMI.com staff. This banner contest will not only help EMI.com as far as advertising goes, but EMI.com will also award the winner a full registered copy of *any* Monkey Island game from Lucasarts! (The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, or Curse of Monkey Island.) The winner will also receive an @escapemi.com pop3 email address.


The Requirements:


1) The rectangle banner should be 468 x 60 and no larger than 12 kb

2) The square banner should be 120 x 90


Animations are welcome and encouraged. If you have a contest question, send it in. May the best graphically talented pirate win!




EMI.com Webmaster



[This message has been edited by ZeroXcape (edited May 16, 2000).]

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Guest ZeroXcape

Judging is taking a little longer then expected, please hold in there while we tally all the votes. We are once again judging on what we think will bring EscapeMI.com the most hits, however creativity, size, matching banners, and content will all play a roll in the decision.


The results will be posted soon!






EMI.com Webmaster


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Guest ZeroXcape

Quick Update: All participants in the contest have recieve an @escapemi.com forwarding email address. (Participants check your e-mail for more information.)


Also, we are talking with IGN about a few minor banner issuse, but otherwise the contest is over and the judges have picked their favorites. We will announce the winners on Saturday of this week.


Thanks for all who joined in and judged!






EMI.com Webmaster


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Guest ZeroXcape

<h2>Banner Contest Winner(s)</h2>


Well, after a week of talking it over, three re-votes, 6 other judges, our sponsors opinion, and countless banner entries: the EscapeMI.com crew has narrowed down our banner contest winner. . . sort of.


On our seven judge panel, we had three judges vote for Legsp, three judges vote for Adam Tierney, and one judge abstain. The abstaining vote happened to be me. Both entries were superb (C5 and E1.) We decided to award both entires the 1st place prize, however after talking to our sponsor, they wouldn't allow us two games in one month. Instead of taking a game from another month's contest, we decided to go into sudden death. For more information on how it works, read below.


Each contestant will get until Wednesday to submit one banner (468x60) that is NO larger then 12KB. This banner will be the deciding banner and will be voted by the EscapeMI.com staff. The winner will recieve a Mnkey Island game of their choice, and the 2nd place entry will win a lesser prize yet to be determined. If someone doesn't submit a banner by Wednesday, the other person wins by default. If neither contestant submits a banner, Urioses wins by default (he submitted the most banners.)


May the best contestant win. Submit banners to ZeroXcape!






EMI.com Webmaster


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Guest ZeroXcape

<h1>Congrats Adam Tierney!</h1>


<font size=3 color=red>Winner: Adam Tierney</font>


<font size=3 color=red>2nd Place: Legsp</font>


<h2>Judges thoughts</h2>

For anyone interested, after the judges couldn't decide who won, we went into a sudden death. Both banners

were resubmitted and then voted on. Adam's banner won because his met the under 12K requirement. Aside from that,

his content in the will banner will probably get more clicks. Legsp finished a very close second. Both winners and

all the contestants are thanked for taking their time for the contest. Don't worry, there will be plenty more of graphical

contests coming around!



Both Adam and Legsp should send an e-mail containing the following information: Nick Name, Real Name, Age, Shipping Address, and Comments.


Thanks again everyone for a wonderful contest!






EMI.com Webmaster


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