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MI 1 and Win98SE


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In properties, there should be a checkbox for "Prevent Program from Detecting Windows" (or something like that). Try enabling that.


If all else fails, you may have to exit to DOS before you start the game..




Vroom Vroom!!

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So far no good. I clicked the option to prevent DOS programs from detecting Windows, and the computer restarted but didn't start the game at all, it just started Windows again and came back to the shortcut I had clicked on. So I tried restarting the computer and hitting f8 and selecting "command prompt only" and navigating to the executable, but I got the error message "this program cannot run in DOS mode". I may just let it go, since I got the answer to my question about porcelain in the other thread. But thanks to you both for your suggestions!

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By "Exiting to DOS," I meant just that--exit to DOS, which is not exactly the same thing as starting Windows and bypassing it to the command line..


By going straight to the command line, many of the memory resident drivers are not loaded. If you choose "Shutdown" from your start menu, one of the options should be "Exit to DOS mode." Select that, and then you will end up at the DOS prompt. You can try to run the game from there... If you still want to try.


There are other ways to get an icon to reboot and load the necessary memory stuff, which involves setting some of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT lines in the properties. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly where it's listed in the properties, and since I'm using Windoze ME, that option is gone, so I'm unable to walk you through it...




Vroom Vroom!!

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Why in the name of Murray's testicles (sorry smile.gif) did they get rid of DOS for Win ME?



<embed width="400" height="100"src="http://graeme.escapemi.com/feralsig.swf">


[This message has been edited by The Feral Chicken (edited February 11, 2001).]

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This time I chose the smiley face with the sunglasses because I still can't see the game running. I rebooted with that option "restart in MS-DOS mode" and the computer went to the full screen with a couple of "runtime error" messages in very large letters. I will give up now because I got the answer to my question in the other thread anyway. I looked at the properties of the file and there are NO special lines in the config.sys and autoexec.bat for MS-DOS on my system; the files are blank. It would take too much time and effort to figure out what lines to put in; I would prefer to spend that time and effort playing MI4! Thanks to all who posted !

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Originally posted by The Feral Chicken:

Why in the name of Murray's testicles (sorry smile.gif) did they get rid of DOS for Win ME?


They wanted to make the system more stable, so they incorporated coding from the Windoze NT platform into their Windoze 9x system. In doing so, they removed the "real" DOS mode. There is still a DOS emulator, and I can still run most DOS games (although 40% of the time SMI won't run, and I'll have to reboot to try again, and for some strange reason, the mouse doesn't work in LCR).




Vroom Vroom!!

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Oh, that. I thought you meant one that reboots the computer into pure DOS!



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We've got boxers, briefs and tights.

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Wearing nothing 'neath your pants.

Trust Silver's Long Johns!


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