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How do I open the safe?


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I'm pretty sure you can ask him for the job reference thing again, so that he'll open the safe again... Didn't try that when I re-played the game, though, since I remembered which way he turned and pushed. Quite lucky, actually, since I didn't write it down on paper.




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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I didn't mean that I remembered from a previous game, but that I remembered what he did when I asked him for the job reference thingie, and didn't have to ask him for it again.



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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okay, to open the safe:


1) get the storekeeper to open the safe and take note of the combination (it doesn't matter WHY he opens it)

2) talk to stan about buying the ship (that's a whole different story) and ask if he takes credit

3) ask the storekeeper to talk to the swordmaster and use the combination to open the safe and take the credit note.

3) go haggle with stan and give him the credit. the ship is yours.


just ask if you need help tackling stan...





That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen! -- Guybrush

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  • 1 month later...

If you need to point the handle to the right then you need to pull it 3 times as it moves it 90 degrees each push/pull. If for example you then need to move it to point to the left then you push it twice to move 180 degrees. I do not know what your combination will be as each is different but you should beable to work it out from this.

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