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Can't get Otis out of cell.


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I have got Carla and Meathook to join my crew and Otis says he will join if I get him out of the cell. I think I need to get the file back from the governers mansion but I can't get past the reservations lady. Am I on the right track and if so how do I get past her?

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Guest grannen

What version of EMI are you playing?


You have have Carla and Meathook to accept to be your crew but Otis is in Jail and will join you when he is free.


The Reservation Lady stops you to get a file from the mansion.


The grog you get in the Scumm bar melts the cup.


Stan's machine won't give you anything.


How have you managed to be in such a situation?????



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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