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Is the recipe the brochure and the other 2 papers?

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wa-wa-wait, what about the recipe thing?

yes, I got the log... and now?

it says that the stuff they got in town is a recipe, which leads u to MI... I suppose it is the brochure thing + the other 2 papers. is that right? how can I make guybrush realize that I am the best? well at least that that's a recipe?



by the way, hi Ozzie. welcome to the monkey island fourms.




-->Hi, I just came back from The Big Whoop.

-->So...? What do u want? An award?

-->Actually, I just wanted to know what's the secret of Monkey Island

-->What planet r u from!?!?!?! EVERYBODY knows what are the secrets of Monkey Island!!!

-->Howcome they're secrets if everybody knows'em?

-->Maybe I should hit you with a coconut... and then with a milkbottle, and an accordion...

-->Oh, like Guybrush did with HT in Escape from... hey, was that an insult?!

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Try to open and pick up all the things around the ship.. there is a prize to be won that shall open doors for you.




"Put teabags under your eyes for, like 15 minutes."

"And that'll get rid of my wisdom?"

"Maybe just ten minutes for you."

  --Phoebe & Joey, Friends

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don't be so hard to yourself Al, u may be helpless, but I wouldn't say u r a talking skull... I wouldn't use the talking. hehehe zuera.


Anyway, try to remember where u can find some prize, brinde...

Like that Castores Cascarabias comertial...



-->Hi, I just came back from The Big Whoop.

-->So...? What do u want? An award?

-->Actually, I just wanted to know what's the secret of Monkey Island

-->What planet r u from!?!?!?! EVERYBODY knows what are the secrets of Monkey Island!!!

-->Howcome they're secrets if everybody knows'em?

-->Maybe I should hit you with a coconut... and then with a milkbottle, and an accordion...

-->Oh, like Guybrush did with HT in Escape from... hey, was that an insult?!

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That's the one!



u got it?



-->Hi, I just came back from The Big Whoop.

-->So...? What do u want? An award?

-->Actually, I just wanted to know what's the secret of Monkey Island

-->What planet r u from!?!?!?! EVERYBODY knows what are the secrets of Monkey Island!!!

-->Howcome they're secrets if everybody knows'em?

-->Maybe I should hit you with a coconut... and then with a milkbottle, and an accordion...

-->Oh, like Guybrush did with HT in Escape from... hey, was that an insult?!

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