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COMI under Windows 2000


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The best thing to do is to install DirectX 5 (Thats if you want to play the game) the reason for this is because the curse of monkey island will run on any thing below directX 5 but nothing that is above DirectX 5

Hope this has helped


Big Ron





Guybrush is soooooooooooooo funny!!

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too bad that even if I install DirectX 5 it won´t run COMI... probably that is because of the agressive registration power of DirectX (if you install a new version, it can only be overwritten by a newer version...). I just installed DirectX 8, maybe that will be able to mimmick DirectX 5 partially...? Haven´t tried yet.

If that doesn´t work, shouldn´t LucasArts release some kind of patch that solves the problem ? I mean, they at least owe us that much (after all, I bought the game...!)





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It's not LEC's problem, they never said it would work in 2000 (Win2k is NT, so it's unsupported). But, anyhow, have you tried to ask LEC tech support? They would know much more about this than anyone here on this board.


I would say it's incompatabilities with Win2k and not that DX5 hadn't been installed (especially since DX5 had never been installed on this computer and COMI works fine).


Originally posted by taurentius:

too bad that even if I install DirectX 5 it won´t run COMI... probably that is because of the agressive registration power of DirectX (if you install a new version, it can only be overwritten by a newer version...). I just installed DirectX 8, maybe that will be able to mimmick DirectX 5 partially...? Haven´t tried yet.

If that doesn´t work, shouldn´t LucasArts release some kind of patch that solves the problem ? I mean, they at least owe us that much (after all, I bought the game...!)







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