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Need help again please!!!

Big Ron

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Hello its me again Iam stuck on the curse of monkey island (mega monkey)when you give blondebeard the jawbreaker he loosens his gold tooth and then you give him the gum and pop the bubble using the pin and the gold tooth goes across the room and you go and pick it up but when I go to walk out he stops me can anyone help.


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What you do, is, once you have the tooth...chew some gum (if you havn't already) and then put the tooth in the chewed gum, then, suck the helium ballon, and chew the gum with the tooth in it, once it goes out side, go to the mud puddle and use the pan, with the puddle, you have the gold tooth!



[This message has been edited by Mifreak (edited December 11, 2000).]

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