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help?! What to do in the theater?

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Ok, here's the deal: I did the big chicken thing and got the grease but what to do now! I also got the map and the crew but now ship! Question: What's up with the theater? The light-buttons and all that j***? And I keep reading sth about canon balls. Where?!


would appreciate help...thanks



your crazy monkey

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Possibly... but since no one's been able to post for such a long time, we don't really know... and I was also using this topic as my "test point" to see if the forum is back up or not... (It was in trying to post a reply to this message when I first found out that the forum had stopped working.)




"And just so you know--It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!"

  --Rachel, Friends


[This message has been edited by brief (edited April 26, 2001).]

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