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MY WISH LIST, Lucasarts please read


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1. Make it as big with as many puzzels of a similar difficulty to MI2, It was nearly SPOT ON for length. Not so short that you have no sense of acheivement at the end (MI3 + 4) but not so long and/or hard that you never finish it (a la Beneath A Steel Sky). Perhaps slightly longer.


2. I think MI4 relied whole mini-game thing too much e.g monkey combat, diving. The diving was NOT difficult AT ALL so you may as well leave it out. The whole game seemed to revolve around monkey combat and this kind of gameplay is NOT WHAT AN ADVENTURE GAME IS ABOUT. MI3 has the balance about right with the insult sword fighting.


3. More sub-plots, or things you have to do before going onto the end bit.


4. Bring back the mouse control MI3 Interface worked for me!!


5. Try and keep the humour within the game. Don't keep refering to other MI's (I got the gags 100's didn't)


6. Refine the graphics just a touch. The backgrounds/water/sky in MI4 are fantastic, but the charachters are a bit blocky in places and some Pixelation when things are in the distance. Maby some cleaver scaleing technology (a la Sacrifice) could be used to

reduce this.


7. Keep it non-linear, I want to be able to travell back and forth between islands AT WILL (MI2).


That's It for now!! I might post some more soon.



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