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I want Guybrush dead. Yes, dead.

Guest ZeroXcape

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Guest ZeroXcape

When LucasArts makes Monkey Island V, I think it should be the last game in the series.


My hopes are that it is not only longer, but more indepth then any of the previous games.


Finally, I think they should somehow have Guybrush die at the end, saving his life so that LeChuck could be eternally forgotten and Elaine could live without fear.


When Guybrush dies, LucasArts could simply bring in Mr. Manny Calavera to finish the job.






EMI.com Webmaster


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  • 2 weeks later...

What's with all these radical ideas? I'll have to agree with you ZeroXcape about ending the series though. If MI could go out with a bang, one really great game, I'd be much happier than seeing MI after MI, and each become lesser and lesser in quality.


Instead of Manny, what about Sam 'n Max? They haven't been doing much in awhile.




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  • 2 weeks later...

guybrush dead sounds good to me, i mean all good things in life must come to an nd (sienfeld) and 10 years + of MI seems like enough.


LEC needs to make some fresh new games that are "get in your face" kinda games, like stupid invaders, but not necessarily 3d and WAY lonnger.




So much for taking the world by storm, looks like i'll be taking it by siege.

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Yeah, and we all know how well Seinfeld ended.



Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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hhmmm.... you make a good point, but i still think that it needs to ene, with a good ending so LEC can move on to better projects, MI is a reat series, but its more mi, don't u think that it would be great to play something COMPLETELY new.?

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I love Monkey Island. The More the better!!! I seriously cant wait for another one!! Except i think maybe Guybrush needs a new enemy perhaps? LeChuck cant "live" forever. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif







"Nice Styrofoam Head."

`Guybrush Threepwood

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Guybrush is a veery cool character. But as newfoundgloryboy said, he must die. The sad thing is what about Dominic Armato. He won`t have a job. I`m sure it will be hard for him to wirk in an LEC game later, because his fans(memememe)will have trouble accepting it. Well, it has to be done.



Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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Well, the series has been based totally on Gybrush and it really does not seem appropriate to remove him forcefully after 5 installments...But the idea of his children taking up where he left off is a good one. They might be the ones to finally destroy LeChuck. 'Dad found him, we killed him.... biggrin.gif '

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Guybrush should not die, at least not properly. Having him mysteriously dissappear or perhaps become an undead pirate with mystical powers like LeChuck, doomed to sail the seas forever righting wrongs or something would be OK, but to actually kill him is absurd.

MI is a COMEDY series. How on earth would they kill Guybrush and make it funny? A dramatic serious death would be totally inappropriate. And even if they did find a funny way to kill Guybrush, should they? Being offed with some silly gag is less than he deserves.

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I think it would be hard to put an end at the Monkey Island serie.

Even if Guybrush dies they're gonna do another game, with someone else as maincharacter (his som as someone sais) or a game before his death like between any of the old MI games.

Cause LEC knows that there are many MI fans and a new game would sell.




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Guest The Feral Chicken

I think a dramatic ending would be great. You could have Guybrush die and it would be his funeral. Elaine would be crying as the white coffin is put on the boat. ALL the characters that Guybrush met would be there. They would set the ship on fire and snd it out to see. The credits roll as gentle piano music plays the MI tune and the boat slowly moves to the horizon. Eventually the only thing left would be the open sea, and 'Monkey Island' would appear slowly in the sky as the sea laps quietly.


The series has ended, Guybrush is dead. It would be great. It's touching me right now, and I am Not joking about that. It really is. I think it would make the ending final, memorable and great. What does everyone think?

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I think that's sickingly cheesy, predictable and 100% unoriginal. Plus, the Monkey Island games are primarily funny. That sort of ending would be utterly nonsensical.

I'm not trying to be insulting, this is just honest opinion, but I think you take MI waaaay too seriously wink.gif

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I don't necissarily agree that the series has to end, but they need new ideas. I've played MI since the first game was released, and the first two were great, but now...it's just gotten sad. The games are too short, and they use too many re-used jokes. The game is seriously lacking in creativity. The charecters invented lately haven't been that funny really (aside from Murry, who was pathetic in the fourth game, but awsome in the third). In my opinion, they've either got to make the fifth return the series to its former glory, or just kill it off. Because if we get something as short as 3 or 4 again, I won't be a fan when number 6 comes out.

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

I love Monkey Island. The More the better!!! I seriously cant wait for another one!! Except i think maybe Guybrush needs a new enemy perhaps? LeChuck cant "live" forever. I aggre with Frenchy too because it gets old LEC coming back over and over again.



I can still hear the Monkeys

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Guest Rapp Scallion

Maybe Guybrush dies and end up with a dead battle with LeChuck. LeChuck want a new body and will take Guybrush`s body. But he needs a "thing" to do it, and Guybrush must find it before LeChuck do. Or maybe he ends up in the otherworld as Manny J. Calavera.


-Rapp Scallion-

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