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I want Guybrush dead. Yes, dead.

Guest ZeroXcape

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I actually just started getting into MI very recently. I was given MI3 as a gift, and then went out and bought MI4 myself. I have really enjoyed playing MI3 and MI4, almost to the point of forgetting to do my actual job. I am wondering, though, if I shouldn't have begun with MI3. Would it be worth it for me to go back and play the first two? Are they really that much better?




[This message has been edited by Cheese (edited February 21, 2001).]

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Yeah guybrush dead! And then Elaine or Murray or even LeChuck have to revenge his death with tons of weapons!


No serious, it would sure be refreshing to see him dead, but I don't think the new caracter would be as funny as him (unless they put Rinzwind in)



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Guest The Feral Chicken

No, CMI isn't the best! You're dumb! MI1 is WAY better, and MI2 is even better still! In fact, MI2 IS the best!






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MI3 is best! It's funnier, more ingenious, has the benefit of great voice acting, pretty pictures, lovely music, better puzzle structure, better dialouge. Alright, it has an awful ending but these other merits more than make up for it.

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Guest The Feral Chicken

You're wrong again


MI2 is much, MUCH funnier, MUCH more ingenious, has really nice watercolour pictures, brilliant music, A much better puzzle structure, and the dialouge is a lot better. And the ending is a lot better.


My main concern for you is that you think it has better puzzle structure, better dialogue, and is funnier. No way! The puzzles in MI2 are ingenious, the dialogue is the funniest I have seen, and it is way FUNNIER!






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They've done all sorts of votes/polls and MI3 consistently wins (except for one I'm aware of where oddly, MI1 won) so that's no good Timmy, it obviously doesn't convince Feral, and there's no reason it should really. Just because the majority of people think something it doesn't mean he should think it too.

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Members of the 'Guybrush should die' cult should be aware, that Lucasarts have already used the 'Guybrush dies in this one' gimmick on the back of the box for MI3.

I don't really think they're going to use the same routine again...

Then again, we've collected a ship and crew in three of four games...

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Originally posted by Tull:

They've done all sorts of votes/polls and MI3 consistently wins (except for one I'm aware of where oddly, MI1 won) so that's no good Timmy, it obviously doesn't convince Feral, and there's no reason it should really. Just because the majority of people think something it doesn't mean he should think it too.


Which polls are these??? In these types of polls I usually see MI2 winning




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MI1's ending was perfectly happy/conclusive.

A happy ending in no way prevents a sequel, you should know that wink.gif

There are only two things needed to get a sequel made:

A) They want to

B) The last one sold well


A skilfull team of writers can get around any ending in order to carry it on.

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Guest grannen

When Guybrush meets Meathook he says:

"I can't be killed. I've got an unbreakable five-game contract!"


I think we can be assured there will be an MI5 but after that, if killed in MI5, they can always continue with a little Guybrush Jr!



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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I had only played MI3 and halfway thru MI4 so i cant really say which is the best. smile.gif


I can say I would love to see more of Guybrush, but having him dead or mysteriously lost in the game seems a neat idea.


Ending the MI series though , I disagree with it. A new series could come out, but wouldnt it be the same, mysteries solving , bla bla this and that? =)

MI just new a brand fresh new idea like most of u agreed. smile.gif


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Guest grannen

In MI6 Guybrush can be the new Herman T. and Guybrush Junior can go looking for him.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

tull haven't talked with you in a while. Well what I'm saying is that if they didn't want to make anymore MI games they should end it with a bad ending so then they would have to make anther one wich isn't would mean to write anoter one that they didn't want to do in the first place





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