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High Quality Skyboxes


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Patch 1.2 is now out. It fixes two small issues (not worth redownloading though) and more importantly adds 1k versions of my skyboxes for weaker computers.


This mod replaces every skybox and almost every backdrop in the game with a new high resolution version made from scratch.

Additionally I changed the fog color in the Korriban modules to make the area model and the skybox blend better and I edited the SunAurora (the glow when looking into the sun) in some modules.

Other than that I recommend you just check out the screenshots as pictures say more than a thousand words :) And for the animated Manaan Underwater backdrop, check out the video.


The pack has been in development for nine months now and is my first big mod project ever. I want to thank everyone who contributed to the project and/or gave criticism. You really made this a great experience, thank you :)

If you find any issues or have any other comments, please let me know and I'll see what can be done.


Available Files:


This mod consists of one main file and several optional AddOns. Here they are:


  • HQSkyboxes_Part1.rar & HQSkyboxes_Part2.rar: This is the main file that includes every skybox and backdrop I made for the vanilla game. Save them both in the same directory on your system and open part1. WinRar will automatically extract them both.
  • Optional_BoSSR.rar: This is an AddOn to be used with Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomons Revenge and includes every skybox introduced by said mod. Note the installation instructions!
  • Optional_BoSSR_TarisDestroyed.rar: This is an AddOn for the BoSSR AddOn that replaces the BoS:SR Taris skybox with a version that shows the damage done by the Mandalorian invaders. The BoS:SR AddOn is required to use this one.
  • Optional_GreenDantooine.rar: This is an AddOn to be used with the Green Grass for Dantooine mod and replaces the Dantooine skybox with a version that has green grass. The main file is required for this to work properly.
  • Optional_ManaanOriginal.rar: This AddOn replaces the Manaan skybox in the main pack with the version I originally made as the very first skybox for this project. I later replaced it with a new version but decided to upload this one anyway. Note the special installation instructions!
  • Optional_TatooineClouds.rar: This AddOn removes the clouds from my Tatooine skyboxes bringing them closer to their vanilla appearance.
  • Optional_NoSeaFloorAnimation.zip: This removes the animation from the Manaan seafloor backdrop. Read the installation instructions!!!
  • 1k_MainFile.zip: 1k version of the main package
  • 1k_Optional_BoSSR.zip: 1k version of the Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomons Revenge pack
  • 1k_Optional_BoSSR_TarisDestroyed.zip: 1k version of the damaged Taris skybox for BoSSR
  • 1k_Optional_GreenDantooine.zip: 1k version of the green Dantooine skybox pack
  • 1k_Optional_TatooineNoClouds.zip: 1k version of the Tatooine skybox without clouds




In most cases you simply have to copy all files from the archive into your Override. Some of them do have special instructions however, so please read the Read Me file included with every download (it's not the same every time!!!).




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For even more screenshots, check one of the download links.




The "ceiling" and "wall" in the underwater areas of Manaan don't blend at all. This is however only visible when going to first person mode and looking up. If you don't do this, you won't notice anything.


Manaan Sea Floor Animation:


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Mod by Kexikus

Created with the free version of Terragen 3 and Photoshop CS6


Bioware: Taris building model, Tatooine building models

dandelO: Grass shader used for Dantooine and the Unknown World https://sites.google.com/site/d4nd310/dandelospubliclibrary

Darth Parametric: extracting the Tatooine building models, making .mtl files for the palm models and the Hammerhead cruiser model

Dastardly: figuring out SunAurora and making an editor for it that I was able to use

ftourini: tree bark texture used for both Kashyyyk textures http://ftourini.deviantart.com/art/tileable-tree-bark-texture-216962711?q=boost%3Apopular%20tree%20bark%20textures&qo=8

Jorak Uln: textures for the Taris building models

killst4r: palm trees used for the Unknown World http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/Index.cfm/ID/490485

Malkior: BoS:SR Taris damage

Quanon: extracting the Taris building model and making two more Taris building models, making the crashed engine model for the Unknown World

Silveredge9: original BoS:SR .are files and permission for me to edit them

tsjase: Hammerhead model used for the Unknown World

Walli: ferns used for the Unknown World http://forums.planetside.co.uk/index.php?topic=6343


Dantooine Tree from http://www.terragen.org/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item603

Moon texture from LOLA/LRO data http://files.bigben.id.au/terragen/terrains/moon/geotiff/


Smoke textures from http://jto.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/w1-iraqwrap-a-20140621.jpg

and http://www.odt.co.nz/files/story/2013/04/a_column_of_smoke_rises_after_an_explosion_at_a_fe_516f618954.JPG






Deadly Stream


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  • 2 months later...
  Kexikus said:
Made another update, that fixed some very minor issues and more importantly adds a 1k version of all skyboxes for those who prievously had issues with the textures being too big.

amazing to see 1k textures ... perfect for my good ol' rig u know ... ;)


do i need m41aa_02d.mdl to m44ac_01x.mdls for the Unknown world forcibly? i just copied few textures so far ...


What did u use to compress all these btw?? :raise:


thanks ONCE AGAIN ... :bow:


P.S. just reached Korriban Lords Valley ... CANT believe the sensation of depth and "reality" those background mountains of yours add to the planet. cheers.

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  GeorgNihilus said:
amazing to see 1k textures ... perfect for my good ol' rig u know ... ;)


do i need m41aa_02d.mdl to m44ac_01x.mdls for the Unknown world forcibly? i just copied few textures so far ...


What did u use to compress all these btw?? :raise:


thanks ONCE AGAIN ... :bow:


P.S. just reached Korriban Lords Valley ... CANT believe the sensation of depth and "reality" those background mountains of yours add to the planet. cheers.


Thanks, glad you like it :)


And yes you need those .mdls. Some of them are actually needed to fix things like the ceiling textures in the villages, others are necessary to weaken the sun glow or the whole sky will turn white when looking into the sun. And on Taris you'd end up with cut-off buildings without the .mdls.


The same goes for the .are files. They are necessary for the skyboxes to properly blend with the ingame fog colors.

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  Kexikus said:
Thanks, glad you like it :)


And yes you need those .mdls. Some of them are actually needed to fix things like the ceiling textures in the villages, others are necessary to weaken the sun glow or the whole sky will turn white when looking into the sun. And on Taris you'd end up with cut-off buildings without the .mdls.


The same goes for the .are files. They are necessary for the skyboxes to properly blend with the ingame fog colors.

so everything "heads to" override as we speak ... ;)


yup. i remember staring at those suns and been blinded by the "rays". oh yes. Cheers for that fix then ... at least on Manaan seems to work great, was pretty bothering there ... :hattip:

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