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Hey fellow MI fans


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Mission Impossible is so cool!


whooops, wrong MI.. ah yes..Monkey Island!


I love monkey island! Monkey Island 3 was very cool. I love playing tha game over and over. I even got MI1, just for the heck of it.


I'm looking foward to MI4. Can't wait!


Quick question, I hear the interface is called SCUMM. What does that stand for? I can't seem to find that tidbit of info.

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SCUMM was only used in the first three, EMI is using an enhanced Grim Fandango engine, SCUMM stands for... erg, something to do with scripting stories or something tongue.gif


I think the SCRAMM site, or one of the hosted sites under editing at IHOM (www.mixnmojo.com) should have it.


Oh, and get Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, it's excellent and many fans hold it as the current best of the series.

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Current best? I've played and beat all three, and although it's been a while(and I'm thinkin about beating them all again during the wait) I would say MI2 was the worst of the series. And again, I don't remember it too clearly, but from what I do remember, it was missing a lot to me...but I might have to go beat it sometime soon and see if I'm right...two things it did have though, are the best ending boss kill scene, and the best graphics...I don't like this 3dness.





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Well, 99% of the MI community loves it, but there would have to be exceptions, since not everyone's opinion is the same of course smile.gif.


I personaly love the 3D approach, it worked great GF and The Longest Journey.

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Guest ZeroXcape

Agreed. I can't wait for a 3D version. I'm kindof upset that it will require 3D hardware though. This will pose a problem for many people.


As far as best MI game, my favorite is MI1. The ending of MI2 though is pretty hard to top wink.gif.





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