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What's up with Elaine's voice?

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If you've played the EMI video footage from Daily Radar (monkey3.mpg) showing a cutscene in which Elaine appears to rescue Guybrush from some mangy pirates, you heard her say something to Guybrush, sounding ... I dunno ... weird. Not the same voice from CMI, and not an improvement. I could barely make out what she said... something like "imegdoodaloo sniggle cakes." Maybe that's because of the quality of the video, or maybe that wasn't the real cutscene audio... but I dunno... I hope she's not going to sound all weird in EMI. That could seriously screw up the whole game.



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It's "My little Snugglecakes" delivered in the cheesy embarrassingly couple-y way that you imagine the two were talking in SMI (that scene on the pier where Guybrush first manages to talk to Elaine)...


Fear not, in the second mpg movie (I think)has a bit more dialogue on it and she sounds better on there... Only a natz more "American" than in CMI. Obviously she has been re-cast but doesn't sound TOO different...

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