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Happy Easter!!!


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Well that depends on what you call an Easter Egg.


I've found out that if you use the U (use), P (pick up), and E (examine) keys on ever item, you can get a few more responses than you'd normally get (Ever try to pick up the moon at Meathook's? Boy, does that bring back some nostalgia.)


Also, on Lucre Island, way past the Chess Guys there's a penny to be found on the ground (right near the store where I Cheese is getting his parts). This isn't a hoax BTW, but it is luck trying to find the thing, as you *DON'T* get a close up of the area, and Guybrush isn't even a half-a-inch tall.


On Jumbleaya Island, make sure to use, pick-up, and examine the Volleyball Net.


Bob Shrimp



You: What is the Secret of Monkey Island?

Me: The secret is, is that there is no secret.

You: Huh? But what about Big Whoop, the Three-Headed Monkey, and/or The Big Honking Monkey Robot?

Me: Oh *THOSE*. Well you really can't call them secrets now, can you?

You: Huh?

Me: Well everyone knows about them now, don't they?

You: Well I guess...

Me: See, there you go. Since they're not secrets anymore, there is *NO* Secret of Monkey Island. So what has this taught you?

You: Never to spend, $39.99 on a computer game.

Me: Tsk, Tsk, BAD MONKEY!!! *Whack!* Besides, that was more or less a direct steal from an answer to the first Monkey Island game!

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