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In how many forms does Lechuck appear in the game?

Mr X

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Besides Charles L Charles, how many diiferent forms does Lechuck appear in? I have seen screenshots, where he is Zombie Lechuck, Fire Lechuck and even Ice Lechuck.


Also, how much does Lechuck actually appear in the game?



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Well at the very end there is just one more LeChuck, but I'm not going to spoil it...


Bob Shrimp



You: What is the Secret of Monkey Island?

Me: The secret is, is that there is no secret.

You: Huh? But what about Big Whoop, the Three-Headed Monkey, and/or The Big Honking Monkey Robot?

Me: Oh *THOSE*. Well you really can't call them secrets now, can you?

You: Huh?

Me: Well everyone knows about them now, don't they?

You: Well I guess...

Me: See, there you go. Since they're not secrets anymore, there is *NO* Secret of Monkey Island. So what has this taught you?

You: Never to spend, $39.99 on a computer game.

Me: Tsk, Tsk, BAD MONKEY!!! *Whack!* Besides, that was more or less a direct steal from an answer to the first Monkey Island game!

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