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MONKEY 4 (im stuck at swamp/marsh)


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i have placed the clock on the raft and also got the instructions to The no nosed pirate but i still cant guide my way through the swamp


directions are

E 12:05 S 3:00

E 12:50 W 3:20

E 1:10 N 4:05

E 2:10 E 4:40


but i cant work it out how does the clock work does it show the direction i am supose to go and follow the small hand :/


i have tryed traveling just E,S,E,W,E,N,E,E but it doesnt work and also tryed following the small hand and doesnt work either if u cannot work it out either can u send me a save file from just out of the swamp cheers biggrin.gif




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Well, I consider myself to be pretty experienced at adventure gaming, but I found the swamp scenario to be completely baffling and flawed. I followed instructions from here and elsewhere on the net, but I kept getting stuck at the final gate. I eventually found Pete's shack, but that was more luck than anything else.


To find 12.05 E, have you tried just travelling around? Eventually you should stumble upon 12.05, when you do, make sure to travel East. Keep going east until you find your next destination.


Hope that helps in some way.


Navigation itself isn't too complicated.

Originally posted by ShazzA:

then why is it that when i first start of on the raft the time is 3:05 but there is no 3:05 direction?


plz e-mail a save from when u get to the gate biggrin.gif


cheers Shaz




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Originally posted by ShazzA:

then why is it that when i first start of on the raft the time is 3:05 but there is no 3:05 direction?


are you sure you got the RIGHT Directions (did Guybrush automatically grab them from the hands or did you have to make him?)



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