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I can't get the gubernatorial sybol from herman


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I hit him with the coconut and it jogged his memory. Then I hit him with the milk bottle and his memory did not get jogged this time. Then I used the walkthrough and got the accordian. I hit herman with the accordian and still no memmory jogging.

I have beaten jojo and put lava in the big monkey but I am stuck until I get the symbol.


What do I do? Has anyone else experienced this?

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I also expereienced this too. I did the same thing you did and it did not work. But I finally got it. Just hit him with the coconut again and ask him what he remembers. He says that he remembers waking up next to a milk bottle. That is your key! After you finish the conversation, hit him with the milk bottle. Herman will then talk about the accordian. Hit him with the accordian which will then take you to a cutscene (movie, VERY COOL INTERESTING SURPRISING movie). Trust me. You're in for a shock when you see the movie. Good Luck!

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