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i know this hasnt anything to do with mi but.......


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She's some sort of television person, who has her own show. The content of which is directed towards homebodies, and how they should behave, or some such nonesense like that. To tell the truth, I've only really seen her during a JCPenny commercial, and have yet to see her in her element...

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Well, she does more than tell people how to behave (Does she actually do that? I've never watched her show), but I think she's more "famous" for being very resourceful when it comes to housework... so on her show, she's p***ing on her resourcefulness to her audience. Stuff like how to get certain types of stain out of certain types of fabric, how to cook some particular dish, how to plant such and such plant, etc...


(I've only seen parodies of her in comedy sketches.)



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