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Monkey Island 5, Grim Fandango 2, etc...

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There has been some arguement over which game Lucasarts should make next. The candidates are:

1.) Monkey Island 5

2.) Grim Fandango 2

3.) Full Throttle 2

4.) Maniac Mansion (aka DOTT) 3

5.) Sam 'n Max in 3D


The solution to which game should be made is obvious: ALL OF 'EM! LucasArts keeps pumping out those damn Episode I games. We're lucky enough to see MI4! But sooner or later they'll realize the gold in their early 90s games and then we can rejoice and bask in the new world of adventure games! WHO'S WITH ME?!




~Tuybrush Greepwood~

"Goodbye, horrible adventure game! Ahh, forget it."

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Welp, I hate to burst your bubble, but I think Sam & Max 3d is right out...


See, as I recall, Lucasarts lost the rights to S&M because of that short-lived, but fun, animated series of the dangerous duo. And that's the reason why Max has yet to be spotted in MI4.


Grim Fandango 2... *Sigh* Welp, to be honest this title never thrilled me, and truth be told, I thought The Dig was a better adventure. Look, I've bought just about every Lucasarts adventure game out there, but this one just didn't appeal to me in any real way. The plot was too comical for me to take seriously, but the adventure itself was far too serious for me to consider it amusing. IMO, you should pick a serious or comical approach and stick with it...


As for Full Throttle 2. Well, while I enjoyed the original, there's been too much of a lull between the first game and now, for anyone to seriously consider it a candidate for a sequel.


Maniac Mansion 3... Hmm... Possible, being Lucasarts might be privy to hold a special place in their hearts for this title, but unlikely because I don't think they've got the gumption to do it. Yeah you heard me Lucasarts (or at least I hope you did), YOU DON'T HAVE THE CAHONES(SP?) TO DO IT!


To be honest, I suspect the next adventure game will be something new and fresh. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing something that was a mix of a fighting game & an adventure game come out from Lucasarts. Something like Quest for Glory, but with a bit more push torwards the adventure aspect.


Bob Shrimp



You: What is the Secret of Monkey Island?

Me: The secret is, is that there is no secret.

You: Huh? But what about Big Whoop, the Three-Headed Monkey, and/or The Big Honking Monkey Robot?

Me: Oh *THOSE*. Well you really can't call them secrets now, can you?

You: Huh?

Me: Well everyone knows about them now, don't they?

You: Well I guess...

Me: See, there you go. Since they're not secrets anymore, there is *NO* Secret of Monkey Island. So what has this taught you?

You: Never to spend, $39.99 on a computer game.

Me: Tsk, Tsk, BAD MONKEY!!! *Whack!* Besides, that was more or less a direct steal from an answer to the first Monkey Island game!

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Come to think of it, that whole losing the rights thing does sound hauntingly familiar. But FOX has cancelled the show (much to the dismay of myself and many others. That "Glazed McGuffins" Episode ruled!) and with all their leftover dough from Episode One, there is no reason why they can't just by the rights to Sam 'N Max back and make a new, awesome game! Or, they could do a little "under the table" dealing with Steve Purcell....heh heh heh....

I had totally forgotten about The Dig! That game was god-like. A sequel would rule, but without the original cast nothing would be the same. If I recall, Boston Low is the only one staying the same at the end...doesn't Maggie turn into a little girl and Brink (with his stump hand...I loved that cutting off the hand scene)gets transformed into an old geezer?

Grim Fandango appealed to a certain group of people while it sucked to another group. I was in the "appeal" group. Stunning artwork, and honestly, have you ever seen another game like it? The controls did suck though, but as we've seen in EMI that's all been healed.

Full Throttle has less of a time gap then Day of The Tentacle does. That game can have some seriously great sequels if placed into the hands of good enough writers...

I think that just about covers my retort. Please respond....anyone.


PS: Anyone know of a program that lets you make SCUMM games? www.scramm.org had something going, but no updates since late september. Anywhere else?



~Tuybrush Greepwood~

"Goodbye, horrible adventure game! Ahh, forget it."

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Welp, the only reason why I suggest that a Maniac Mansion 3 has the best shot (other than MI5, which *EVERYONE* already knows will happen), because there's already 2 (and a trilogy has a better shot than a sequel), and of course the original was one of Lucasart's original games...



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NOOOO!!! Bob never ever ever suggest that again! *hyperventilates* LucasArts is almost the only company left that makes true adventure games and if they sell out to the blood and gore bull**** like sierra did with Kings Quest 8 then the whole adventure game idea will become dust!




*curls back up*

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I think if they do make all the games at around the same time, we're probably just gonna end up with a load of half-finsihed, poorly made game (although I hope this doesn't happen). I think the next sequel they should make should be Maniac Mansion 3 because DOTT was my favourite adventure game and I'd love to keep playing games from the series. I think a cartoon of DOTT would have been really cool but sadly, was never made frown.gif

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Actually, I thought that Quest For Glory did a pretty good job of mixing adventures with combat, especially QFG5. I'm not going to comment on Kings Quest, as I ceased following that series with Number 5, as the comedy from the early incarnations seemed to thrown out in favor of a completely hoaky fantasy storyline.


And *YES* I do like a pure adventure, but I have to admit I like a slight mix as well. All I'm saying is that there's room in the gaming industry for both (and mixed adventure games might bring in some of the shooter croud over to *PURE* adventure games...)


Speaking of Lucasarts games... What exactly was Indian Jones and the Infernal Machine? I can't say I really even know, but I *DO* know is that I have trouble bringing myself to buy anything with such a laughable name...


Bob Shrimp



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infernal is another word for annoying or troublesome, so its basically, indiana jones and the pain in the *** machine. the game was pretty goot also, but no where near what u would call a PURE adventure, it was more lika a third person action/adventure (no, NOT like toumb raider)




«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



Wanted: one clever signature


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited December 06, 2000).]

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Grim Fandango was a fantastic game, second only to Secret of Monkey Island. But as for a sequel...naaaaaaah. It was original, fresh, unique and brilliant. A one off.

Lucasarts know better than that.

As for Monkey Island 5, well, I'm enjoying Monkey Island 4 just now. The puzzles are original, humour is back on form, story...well, p-a-s-s-able as always.

As for a MI5....ALREADY? Don't be foolish, man, we don't want another flop. (Le Chuck's Revenge was pretty poor in my humble opinion). Give them some time. Make another great game. Well, lots of characters keep referring to an 'unbreakable five game contract'.

That sounds good to me. I can wait for another gem from the lucasarts bootytastic cavern of fun.

Full Throttle? Never played it, although I have heard enough about it, that I want to now.

DOTT 3, well, HELL YEAH! I loved DOTT, Maniac Mansion wouldn't really work on my PC (temperamental bugger that it is). It could definitely work, with the right management it could go far... smile.gif

Sam'n'Max...well, I kinda hated the interface for the original. I got tired of it and decided to stop playing it.


And Bob, as for the 'infernal' machine. It was a damned good game, with Fate of Atlantis, they're both Indy whip-crackingly fab! In fact, Lucasarts are probably one of the only good companies still living and breathing, doubly so for me after the demise of Looking Gl*** Studios.


Don't get me started...


[This message has been edited by Ghost Pirate Le Chuck (edited December 07, 2000).]

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