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Escape From Monkey Island to short?


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I just finished EFMI and I was a little disappointed at it because I felt that it was a little short. I felt that Curse of Monkey Island was much longer. I don't know. Don't get me wrong. I LOVED the game-the gameplay and the graphics were great, but the story was to short. I was also disappointed on how Guybrush didn't get to visit all the islands on the map. I love MI games, but i felt that this was a little short. Does anyone else feel the same way or do they disagree?




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You think that?


Okey then...


Replay it-


try all the discussion topics, explore all rooms, discover all hommages, glitches and easter eggs, try all things with everything, enjoy the beautiful art, watch all the cutscenes a thousand times, measure the time it takes you to beat the game, write a walkthrough, a review, a book, take screenshots, try to draw all the characters, try to do different voice-overs for each line, make a movie about the REAL secret of Monkey Island, build a web page, start a fun club, establish a chain of MI restaurants and hotels, be the president and set up a Monkey Island Holiday!


See? There is SOOO much fun just waiting for you!!!!!





[This message has been edited by ClickerClicker (edited December 07, 2000).]

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Somewhere beteeen 15 and 35 percent wink.gif



Money isn't everyting, but it helps


Steve Chicken



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If you can be a bit more specific on the exact point where you are on Lucre Island (i.e. what you've done so far), we can better pinpoint the approximate percentage...



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.


[This message has been edited by brief (edited December 07, 2000).]

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