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Favourite/funniest EMI moment


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My all-time favorite for EMI is still the Figurehead Lady, though...


Guybrush: You look kind of familiar...

Figurehead: Perhaps you've seen me in your nightmares.

Guybrush: Uh... I don't think so.

Figurehead: Yes, you have... Watch this:





"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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Sorry to be pedantic but:

"Iron Maiden! Excellent!! I have no idea why I just said that."


All the deep, manly voice ones are brilliant, one of the best:

"Baby, you can park my ships anytime of the week."



"That pig-shaped bush frightens and confuses me."


"That's the door to our bedroom...awwww yeeeahh."


"What the hell's a 'Lua'?"


And something like...

Guybrush: "Why do you need money?"

Murray: "Why, to finance my dastardly scheme to TAKE OVER THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHAHA!!"


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"What kind of a plot for world domination involves rollercoasters and cotton candy?"


"Where was the kaboom? There was supposed to be a caribbean-shattering kaboom!!"


"I am Ozzie Mandrill! Look on my works, ye mighty pirates, and despair!"


Some of the insults:


"look behind you!"

"yeah,yeah, a three headed monkey..."


"Your mother was a hampster"

"your father smelt of elderberries"

(a bit of monty python)


"Weell, a didgeridoo to you too!"



"So, how di you get up there?"

"Through sheer force of will."


"Oh, alright, it was some of those damn voodoo kids. They found me washed up on the beach and stuck me up here, all the time thinking they were SOOO funny..."

Murray, Guybrush Threepwood[\b]

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Guest Guybrush112

I like when Guybrush looks at his ship on Lucre Island and says, "Rats, it's still pink!"



"You may have seen me in your nightmares. I'm THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!"

"Yipe."--Figurehead &


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"I am Ozzie Mandrill! Look on my works, ye mighty pirates, and despair!"


Most of you probably know this (but I'm still reiterating it for those who don't), but this line is paraphrased from PB Shelly's poem Ozymandias (Ozzie Mandrill.... Ozy Mandias.... geddit?), more specifically from the following:


'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'


See the rest here


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