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Top Five or So Places *YOU'D* think there's be an Easter Egg..

Bob Shrimp

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Okay, so far nobody's really found any major Easter Egs (at least as far as I know). I mean, I know some ppl have found the penny (woo-hoo), there that abomination of nature thingie (again I repeat sarcastically, woo-hoo), and I recently found out that you can get rid of that Gubinatorial thingie early by trying to flash it in the Lua Bar...


*BUT* So far I haven't seen anything like the ability to revist the underwater scene from MI1 that was found to be in MI3. So ppl, here's where I point out the numerous places I think there might be a secret of some sort and then leave it up to you to find...


1. The Mine Shaft: Okay, this is the most likely, as I suspect that if you put *SOMETHING* into that pouch, you're likely to go to some sort of secret area beyond that blocked off entrance.


2. The Kitchen: I don't know why, but for some reason I suspect you can somehow get to the old MI1 kitchen, I just don't know how... Hmm... Have I tried flashing that guby thingie at him yet?


3. Ozzie's Guest House: Darned locked doors!


4: The Gate just outside the Scumm bar


5: I have no idea, *BUT* I needed to add this one to make it to five!


Bob Shrimp

PS - Did anyone else notice that the Q-Tip is in the wrong ear? Hmm... Maybe that's how it got stuck! Yeah that's it! That explains everything... Well except Herman being Horatio, and whatever happened to those Meat Caves of Heck...



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If you ask Herman what happened to the caverns of heck(after you hit him with the milk bottle, but before the accordion), he'll say that they mysterisouly sealed up after Guybrush left the island. "Good thing too. We were losing a lot monkeys down there."


Am I the only one who knows this???



I know exactly what the real secret of monkey island is. I'll tell you.

The real secret of monkey island is... hold on, there's someone at my door. This will only take a second...

HOLY ****! It's Lucasarts! They know where I am!


I must tell you the secret before I am taken away!


The real secret of monkey island is... NOOOO!



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Sorry, you're confusing eye candy with easter eggs... Easter Eggs are something special that are hard to find, the X-Wing is about as special as the Lucasarts mug found at Planet Threepwood...


To GMT: Yeah, I knew that... But I can't help but feel that a useless pouch, right outside a blocked-off passageway, suggests *SOME* sort of secret room or something...


Then again, maybe that's only what they *WANT* you to think...


Bob Shrimp

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Well okay.... but ive alway thought that ( and seen al lotty lot of times) that easter eggs can also be things that refer to other games, movies or other things. I played fallout 2(the game with the most(my kind of) easter eggs) and BTW on the easter egg page the x-wing is also referd as an eater egg, as is murrays pong which u would think as an easter egg. So I think both types can do.




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Well on jambalaya island pick up urry as many times as needed untill he starts repeating himself, when he starts saying stuff that he has already said, then turn to a direction so that guyb. isn't looking at anything in particulary then type "murrayball" you should get the J.I. map on your screen with 2 banana's(pads) and murrya(ball). It's really cool.


And... there's another way in MI3 to get to a MI1 or 2 scene(didn't know exactly which one), in the family tomb try looking out of the window(hole in the wall) that's kind of funny.




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