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Control Issues...

El pollo Diablo!

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I actually LOVE the new keyboard controls. It takes away some of the fun of "look at", but it feels more "game like", which has always turned people away from the genre.


I love the demo. Its great! The dialog is fast and funny. And if they did make a monkey Island 5, I'd like to see something like:

Monkey Island 5:The Monkey Menance


Anyone else want to see Timmy the Monkey in a darth Vader Helemet?



Monkey Island 25:

The Secret of the Escape from the Return to Monkey Island: Revenge of LeChuck's Revenge.

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1. you are stupid

2. you are using my name

3. i am your superior

4. so, %$#$%@# you @#%@^^%#$#$!! or die like a @#@#%%$!#% so #@$%^%!%^^$%&^&^%@^%^^%^%$^$$%$%$%$%^&$%^%$@@^&^**&)(!^%@$^%$^, if you dont understand it here is a translate of it:

@#%!$^$@^%%^&&&*&**&^%$%$%%%%#$$%%#$#^^*)(*(^&%%^###%%%#$$%$%^^$%^%^%@@^$^$%^$%^%%$%$ okay, bye bye, i hope you will never solve the problem and DIE IN MISSERY

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I don't mind the controls, but I question the no mouse support aspect of the new system. I mean, a mouse during the overhead maps would be *VERY* neat & useful. Plus, I wouldn't mind a mouse during the options menu. Basically, I'm okay with the new system, but wouldn't mind a bit more tweaking...


And as for elpollodiablo, eh... Err... No comment...


Bob Shrimp

- Percent, Ambersan, Dollar Sign...

- And Colon, Semi-Colon too!

- What are you doing?

- Swearing in longhand, potty mouth!

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hey I just read 'MY' last posting.... And I knew for sure that I didn't post that, I do know that i asked windows to remember my password so it's always pre-entered. So I figured that it must have been my punk-ess-liddl brother who has done this to me also at the oucast forums, making my name 'bad', so I deleted all his personal **** of the computer this afternoon and garbaged it 6 times.... ANd I want to appologize for his behavior..... He didn't even use my signature!





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Originally posted by elpollodiablo:

it must have been my punk-ess-liddl


hey! no need to bring punks into this, i didnt do anything wrong! wink.gif





«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



This signature is only viewable by George washington, Elvis, Amelia Earhart, 2Pac, and Jason Matthew Thurst.

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Originally posted by elpollodiablo:

it must have been my punk-ess-liddl


hey! no need to bring punks into this, i didnt do anything wrong! wink.gif





«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



This signature is only viewable by George washington, Elvis, Amelia Earhart, 2Pac, and Jason Matthew Thurst.

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