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Help i'am stuck in MI4


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Talk to the catapult guy. There are two pieces of information of value from him:


  1. He'll take a short break if he gets some food.
  2. He has no idea what the numbers mean, so he's actually calibrating from a cactus near the house that he can get to with precision
    So, what you'll need to do is the following:
    • Find some food. The only place that has food right now is the SCUMM Bar
    • Take a look at the cactus.. does it resemble anything you know?
    • Go around the island and pick up anything/everything you can, then see if any of these items can be used around/near the catapult that might affect the outcome of the boulders being shot with the catapult


Then there's always that walkthrough that the game came with....



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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