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i need to ESCAPE FROM MONKEY ISLAND! (well, duh!)


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Hey, I've jsut made it to ACT III, and I'm pretty darn confused. I've explored the area, done a few things, like hit Hermit on the head with a coconut to bring his memory back, yet I'm stunned to what I should do. I have a clue that Hermit will probably let me use his ship, if I can find it, and that I'll have to use something with something, but please give me a hint to where to move. I can't do jack so far. i tossed the rocks in the holes, I've tried throwing them at different times, but I'm just stuck. So give me a direction to follow, 'cuz I'd hate to use a walkthrough.

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Originally posted by elpollodiablo:

Well.... when u hit herman on the head with the coconut he only gets part of his memory back, try hitting him with something else, he'll give a clue what u need.

how can i win the fights against the monkeys?


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Monkey Combat is easy:


write down five stances:


AA, BB, CC, DM, and GG. Now, each one beats TWO more, so when you fight the monkey, write down what wins what (different every time).


Also, under each one (make 5 columns, each for the stance) and then write down the move from one stance to another. There are four moves per stance. But don't forget that you use the same move to transfer back from the old stance to the new one. So each move will be written twice on the chart. (AA->DM move will be written under AA->DM AND under DM as DM->AA). The chart will take a little while to complete, but keep getting a DRAW (repeat your enemy's last move over and over again) to learn new moves. After you chart is 50% complete, you can usually win some fights, when it's 75% complete you can win MOST fights, when you're missing one turn (well, 2 because it's the same for two stances) you can win any fight. I never was able to get the whole chart, and I've beaten the game twice so far. Monkey Combat is not that much fun, and I'll see what you'll ask about the Ultimate Monkey Combat at the end of the game. Don't use a walkthrough, tho, makes your game too easy, I had a blast beating that part all by myself.


Sorry to write so long, I'm goign to write complete help for Monkey Island games (all of them, 'cuz I'm bored) but this is my rough draft of a guide to Monkey Combat. Good luck with the rest of the game, all of the PART 4 is worth seeing at least once, not to spoil anything.


[This message has been edited by theEXIT (edited December 26, 2000).]

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