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I sincerely doubt there's an easter egg here, just an artistic choice by the designers, being the Meathook's house is the most appropriately piratey place in the whole game . But if you're looking for places that *MIGHT* have some sort of Easter Egg, I suggest you try the mine shaft on Monkey Island...


I mean come on! There's that usless pouch hanging right outside a blocked mine shaft? I'll bet that if you can put the right item in it, you'll be treated to something special. Then again maybe that's what the designers were hoping we'd think, and the pouch is just one big waste of time.


Either way, it makes yah think...


Bob Shrimp



You: What is the Secret of Monkey Island?

Me: The secret is, is that there is no secret.

You: Huh? But what about Big Whoop, the Three-Headed Monkey, and/or The Big Honking Monkey Robot?

Me: Oh *THOSE*. Well you really can't call them secrets now, can you?

You: Huh?

Me: Well everyone knows about them now, don't they?

You: Well I guess...

Me: See, there you go. Since they're not secrets anymore, there is *NO* Secret of Monkey Island. So what has this taught you?

You: Never to spend, $39.99 on a computer game.

Me: Tsk, Tsk, BAD MONKEY!!! *Whack!* Besides, that was more or less a direct steal from an answer to the first Monkey Island game!

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Bob Shrimp, that's Indy's pouch as seen in the temple of doom right, how does that compare with the x-wing in the mysts of time for usefulness... sure you can try and interact with it but that doesn't neccesarily mean anything, I think the best easter egg bet in MI proper (island itself) is the mine cart that looks like the one from the INFERNAL machine...you know a continuation of the MI indy connection,* there was a 3-d version of the barbery coast in the aetherium*

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I've never played Infernal myself, and so I'm not entirely sure about the connection your making. Is that particular pouch seen in Infernal, or do you just think it looks like something in one of the Indy films.


My own private guess is that if you put a particular object into that pouch (the impossible to pick up penny on Lucre island perhaps?), you'll be treated to something. Maybe a single room from Infernal perhaps... (I mean, I've heard there's a Monkey Island secret room in Infernal).


Bob Shrimp

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I was going to try and scrape it up with the broken sword from the bank, but the game screwed up before I got there, the bug where the frame freezes and guybrush's movements all leave a lasting impression like watching somebody walk under a strobe light. this seems like an obvious solution, to get the penny has anyone tried it?

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