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Still stuck in the Mysts of Tyme!!!


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Okay I'm really getting PO'ed. First off all some guy tells me to uninstall the game, which I did so I had to start all over again (I previously installed the patch for the game). I cannot however get past the MOT because I am stuck at the gate talking to myself, I end up in a whirlpool in the sky, all because this game is not letting me use the key in inventory. Every time I go to use the key, it automaticly goes back into my inventory!!. Do I have to uninstall the game again??. I thought games were suppose to be fun, not pains in the @$$!!


Chris frown.gif

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I know the feeling!

Don't bother to uninstall, it makes no difference. I think we have a glytch in the program. Quite a few people are affected by this. I have e-mailed tech support, perhaps you should as well.

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Hey thanks for the help!!, fortunately I was able to get past the MOT, I found out that using the keyboard instead of the gamepad works better at this step. Sometimes using the gamepad works better in different parts of the game. Anyone who is stuck at this point in the game should instead of using the gamepad, use the keyboard.

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Hey thanks for the help!!, fortunately I was able to get past the MOT, I found out that using the keyboard instead of the gamepad works better at this step. Sometimes using the gamepad works better in different parts of the game. Anyone who is stuck at this point in the game should instead of using the gamepad, use the keyboard.

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