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He's not the guybrush we use to know!


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In MI1 and 2 guybrush was this Brad pitt look-a-like hunk but did some stupid things, thats what made him so like-able and funny. MI3 and MI4 have turned him into a wussy nerd. The new designers have totally ruined the MI series for me, I hate playing a wimpy nerd, they should change the title to "Escape to the land of the nerds".

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Well, in my opinion, Guybrush was kind of geeky in MI1 because that's when he was just a newbie pirate. In MI2 LR, he was supposed to have gained some kind of "fame" because of the whole LeChuck thing, and it seemed to have gone to his head some (Is that what broke him and Elaine up? You decide.) He DID look better in that one though, but I think it was just his clothes. In CMI, he wasn't neccesarily a geek, they just put some incompetence back into the character. I can't speak for EMI until December 25th, but there is NO WAY IN HELL that I am buying that whole EMI story! Even if it does, I'm just happy they made one.




I am the queen of all monkeys! Bow down before me! BWAHAHAHAHA!!...I said bow!...Hey I'm serious!...BOW!...Stop that giggling!

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EIM is good, i dont buy the suckiness of it either. and i agree that he looked the best in mi2, the beard was the best!!




«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



lets cancel school, what you dont know cant hurt you if nobody knows it either

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Well, *supposedly*, with the pixelated graphics, it's harder to tell how Guybrush looked, but he did have a beard (in the manual for CMI, there was an evolution of Guybrush chart, and a mention of his "weird" beard phase in the game), so that made him look more mature. He definitely didn't look as skinny as he did in CMI to me in LCR.


The 3D model in EMI, to me, makes him look even younger than his animated version in CMI. But in any case, he's Guybrush, and I think he's cool. cool.gif



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

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Guest C Shutt

No, EMI definitely sucks.


You're right about Guybrush, as well. In the first game, he was this straight-laced, prissy guy, who is trying to become a real badas<em></em>s. In the second game you see him after he has had at least partial success in becoming a bada<em></em>ss.


But in the last two games, he has become the sort of guy who you would beat up everyday in highschool. And how annoying is that actor who does his voice?



"You want me?

F<em></em>ucking well come and find me,

I'll be waiting,

With a gun and a pack of sandwiches."


-Talk Show Host, Radiohead.


[This message has been edited by C Shutt (edited November 15, 2000).]

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c shutt: have u posted anything on this board that has not been cynical? if all u want to do is complain about how bad the newest game is leave us the hell out of it. go be bitter and pissed off someplace else. im sorry that the designers of EIM did not tailor the game to every one of your scrutinizing specifications but im sure i speak for most of us when i say im tired of u whining like a little girl about the whole thing. grow up, life does not revolve around the wants of a few adventure gamers and it certainly does not revolve around you.


and with that said i expect to defend myself in a forthcoming flame war, so be it, i'll go down a martyr for the cause!




«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



lets cancel school, what you dont know cant hurt you if nobody knows it either


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited November 15, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited November 15, 2000).]

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Well look at the postings, more ppl r complaining than there are compliments. U r one of those poor retchered fools who support adventure games to the hilt, no matter how lousy they are. Maybe u even have sex with the game box or cd?


Im expressing my cynical views cause im a cynical person, if u dont like them, DONT read them.


Now please can u be so kind and **** OFF!!!

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**exterme amounts of sarcasm**


oh my, u totally proved your point to me using a 5th graders mentality and resorting to the age old "i bet u like it so much u have sex with it." do i ever feel stupid now and want to change my opinions based on the commentary of a person who has obvious issues about sexuality.


**sarcasm ended**

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No, EMI definitely sucks.


Well, that's your opinion. And my opinion is that it doesn't. Funny thing about opinions--they're very subjective to each individual. No amount of you claiming it sucks is going to change the minds of people who think otherwise, and vice versa.


Now, the question is, if the game sucks so much, why do you bother spending time here, moaning and whining about it, when you could be out there doing something more productive for yourself?


If you want to try to persuade LucasArts to make any more sequels where the game wouldn't suck according to your standards, wouldn't it be better if you posted to the Wishlist forum, or e-mailed them directly, instead of wasting your time here with others, who, like you, cannot directly have any effects on a new game?



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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ok fine, I will take it to lucasarts.

Im sure that after there ZERO sales of EMI and my complaint on how crap it is and advise them to stop making adventure games and create a Action-packed only Monkey island game, I'm sure I will be a lot happier. smile.gif


Doesnt matter anyway, there will be no 5th MI game, I ***ure u of that...and good riddens to it, EMI was a bad idea anyways, thank god i burnt it from a friend instead of buying it.

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self justification by people of lower intelligence and high incompetancy is also another funny concpt, no matter how wrong you are you can always try to make yourself think that you are right by lashing out with nothing to support your claim, well done, looks like we have nothing else to prove to you. say what u want about monkey island, but its already gone gold, which means it cannot possibly suck as much as you say and must have more than zero sales, and even if it were turned into an all action game, im sure that all of the loyal fians would still support it. look at indy 3d as an example, adventure turned 3d action and it too went gold and transfered over to n64 (which i bet u also think "sucks")


also i dont think LEC gives a rats as5 about what u think, because u would not be able to voice your claim to them in a civilized manner. they would just shrug u off as another inconciderate jackas5, just like the thousands of people who thought starwars "sucked"





«´¨`·.¸¸.*NewFoundGloryBoy* .¸¸.·´¨`»



lets cancel school, what you dont know cant hurt you if nobody knows it either


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited November 15, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited November 15, 2000).]

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My two cents on Guybrush's wussy appearance:


Quite obviously, LucasArts' decision to give him a wussy-looking (and sounding) appearance in the last two games is one they did on purpose; a decision that they came to with some amount of thought... Otherwise it'd be difficult to explain the change from gruffy to adolecent between LCR and CMI. The question is: Why?


I don't remember if they tried to explain this in CMI's manual or not, but it seems to me that they did this to make it easier for us to understand why Guybrush is always ridiculed by others when they meet him, even after having defeated the nefarious Ghost Pirate LeChuck repeatedly.


If Guybrush actually look like someone who was capable of handling himself, instead of the wussy image that immediatly comes to mind, others would actually believe him when he talks about his adventures, making things a whole lot easier as far as getting around was concerned. But because he looks the way he does now, nobody believes him, unless they already know him. And even then, they still don't think too highly of him.


This point was driven home clearly in EMI, when Guybrush visits Jambalaya Island, and all the tourists think that the "real" Guybrush Threepwood is this larger than life pirate, rather than the scrawny-looking guy standing in front of them.


Anyway, that's all I want to say about this topic.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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Im just surprised at the influx of people who were never here before the game released.

Now we have people just showing up and saying the game sucks.


Happens all the time, Red Alert 2 forums, Rune forums, everywhere.


Fact is not everyone can be satisfied.

People seem really hostile to change, I mean you have guys who worked on Sam and Max making EMI, didnt you think that maybe the game will bve different from previous versions.


Stop living in the past, the adventure genre is nearly dead, be happy with what you can get.


The Monkey Island series has to become more appealing to the casual gamer for it to do well. Therefore its loses some of its hardcore MI appeal. I mean who gives a flying fcuk about Guybrush's clothes and beard. Guys are being nit picky now!

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Also seems the people who complain the most had pirated the game in the first place. Or at least they say they do, you have to think most of the people that say x game sucks on a message board are just trolls looking to see how pissed they can get people.



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Guest C Shutt

LeChuck, you've missed the point. EMI only appeals to those who <em>are</em> hard-core Monkey Island fans. There are way too many references to the previous games.

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C Shutt, that's pretty amusing considering my brother hadn't played a single MI game before and is loving EMI. He may not get the references to the other MI games, but he does get everything else. So, obviously he is a hard core Monkey Island fan without ever playing any. Go figure.

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Its part of a series.

Someone who watches GodFather II or Empire Strikes Back will be just as confused as to what is going on.


Theyll understand the movie but wont get everything thrown at em.


The characters of guybrush, LeChuck etc have developed so much since the past games and many of the characters are from the old games that refrences will be made.


A lot of the fun is in visiting places on Melee Island that you saw in MI 1, and talking to those characters that you met in MI 1.

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No, you DONT get it. None of u dopes get it. Even Gilbert said that the guys who worked on CMI misunderstood the guybrush character and what he was about. He was NEVER meant to be a nerd...ever. All you loyal MI followers are sheep...totally blind. If the designers came up with an asian or a black guybrush next game, you guys would swear that he was always asian or black.



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Guest Guybrush112

I hate using profanity but (and please don't edit this message) **** all of you who hate Dominic Armato and **** all of you who actually think Guybrush was suppose to be this big knight in shining armor guy who is the hansome strong hero! Elaine is the hard *** and Guybrush is like a guy with big dreams. A hopeless romantic, a full-of-himself kind of guy (when he is agitated) also think about it, when he first meets Elaine Guybrush is speechless, Guybrush has things on his mind. And what the heck do you mean nerdy???? Guybush is not one of those guys who are weak. He is just a guy with a big head! And when C Shutt says he is the guy who gets beat up: say those guys who beat up people are dumb and scared of their sister's '****ie Patty' doll!!! NOW IF C SHUTT DOESNT LIKE MI THEN HE SHOULD GO SOMEPLACE ELSE AND CROSSDRESS LIKE THE FREAK HE IS!! AND AS FOR OTHER PEOPLE, IF YOU DONT LIKE GUYBRUSH, JUST STICK TO LOOM FORUMS!

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